Posts Posts by: "Amanda"

Hi friend!

Is it just me, or did we have another wild year!? 

Becoming a mom has naturally shifted my priorities, schedule, and practices all around. I found myself gripping for anything that kept me feeling like ‘me’.

Maybe you need some things to be a little easier, done for you, or even just remind you of the badass you are. I’ve compiled some of my go-to’s over the year- the things I found myself extra grateful for, the things that kept me somewhat sane, and the things that made me feel like ‘me’. I’d be remiss not to share them with some of my favorite people!

The first few months of the year tends to reignite motivation. We see an influx of weight loss and gut health resolutions, a surge in gym memberships, and I’m sure the diet industry makes a whole lot of money.

Last year I challenged my community to DROP their weight-related and resolutions and proposed a different challenge.

Over the first weeks of 2020, we dove into what I refer to as “The 8 Pillars of Health”. These are the things that create lifelong, optimal health. Side effects are not limited to, but can include healthy weight loss, improved energy, better quality sleep, sex drive, less bloating, constipation, and brain fog – for starters.

This is what we’re after, am I right? 

So again for this year I’m bringing it back and I want you to focus on the following starting now and beyond:

…The things that move the needle forward.

…That move you towards optimal health- away from dis-ease, nagging symptoms, frustration, and guilt.

More than the number on the scale…

the latest restrictive diet trend…

counting every calorie or morsel of food that passes your lips…

In case you didn’t join us for last year’s challenge, continue reading to dive into each of the 8 pillars and my proposed action steps that will move you towards your ultimate gut health goals.

Pillar 1: Sleep 

Yes, that important. I’d argue perhaps the most important for your gut health and your overall health. 

But so easily overlooked and is usually the first thing to be affected by our busy lifestyles.

Sleep is crucial for healing and rejuvenating the body.

A lack of sleep can seriously impact the body’s ability to detoxify. And we want the gunk out.

There is a system that takes place in deep sleep responsible for clearing buildup in the brain.

Melatonin (the sleep hormone) has powerful anti-cancer properties.

Stabilizes blood sugar which benefits mood, cravings, energy levels.


  • Optimize circadian rhythm.
  • Promote melatonin production naturally.
  • Create optimal sleeping space.


  • Try to wake up and go to bed around the same time each day.
  • Expose your body to the sun within 20 minutes of waking.
  • Keep the lights low after 6pm.
  • Remove tv and phones from bedroom.
  • Avoid eating heavy meal before bed, especially crappy carbs.
  • Sleep with a face mask and ear plugs if possible.
  • Get black out curtains for your bedroom.
  • Where do you currently measure up? What could you begin to implement today?

Pillar 2: Handling Stress Well 

3 of 4 doctor’s visits are due to stress-related ailments.

Stress causes the body to lose its ability to regulate inflammation.

Cortisol (stress hormone) reduces the brain’s ability to function properly.



  • The foods we eat
  • Moving the body
  • Learning how to reset the nervous system


  • Search ‘tapping for stress’ or ‘guided meditation’ on #Youtube and try it for 5 minutes.
  • Create a budget you can stick to which will help keep yourself out of debt and minimize money stress.
  • Move your body. Exercise boosts the feel good hormones and reduces stress hormones.
  • Set boundaries – work to fill your space with things and people that make you feel good. Reduce the ‘need’ to say ‘yes’ to everything and everyone. They will be OK – you can’t pour from an empty cup.
  • Take a social media break. Need I say more?
  • Carve out ‘me’ time. Scheduling it allows it to act like an appointment.

Pillar 3: Eat a Diverse Diet 

When it comes to gut health nutrition and dieting, we tend to get stuck in a rut or eat the same things over and over.

Our guts, genes, and health goals require a range of foods.

Some studies even argue eating diverse foods is more important than the quantity.



  • Provides different arrays of nutrients and build a varied population within our guts. We want this.
  • Decreases risk of food allergy/sensitivities
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promote array of antioxidant & nutrient support – all with different jobs/disease-fighting ability.


  • Pick 2 NEW fruits or vegetables you can add to your cart this week. Share a pic!
  • Utilize in-season produce.
  • Try a new variation of a staple food. Example: colored potatoes, squashes, different lettuces.
  • Keep your plate colorful. The more color, the more diversity!

Pillar 4: Exercise


  • Helps burn calories.
  • Helps lower blood sugars by increasing insulin receptor sensitivity
  • Turns on 500+ genes (hello #Superhuman)
  • Helps body filter waste
  • Helps control cravings, hunger cues
  • Positively alters bacteria in the gut microbiome after only six weeks (without changing your diet)

So what holds us back?






What helps me:

  • Scheduling it.
  • Good music.
  • Using it as part of ‘me’ time.
  • Being accountable -grab a buddy!


  • Schedule in 3 sessions of exercise into next week’s calendar.
  • Try a new class at the gym.
  • Grab a buddy and go for a walk in the morning, on your lunch break, or after dinner.
  • Aim for 10,000 steps a day.

Pillar 5: Exercise the Brain 

Protecting the brain is more important than ever as we watch Alzheimer’s climb the ranks to #6 leading causes of death, killing more people than breast & colon cancer combined.

What’s happened?

Increased environmental toxins, heavy metals.

Continual rise of chronic diseases (we refer to Alzheimer’s as Type 3 Diabetes now).

Poor diet & lifestyle.

Also, consider how much time we do brain-mush activities like scrolling – I know, I’m guilty too.

The brain wants to learn new things. When it is bored, it begins to atrophy. It’s never too early to start.



  • Switch things up:
  • Take a new route home.
  • Take a cooking class.
  • Brush your teeth with your opposite hand.
  • Physical exercise – there’s that guy again. Exercise turns on the BDNF gene that stimulates new brain cell formation.
  • Read physical books, papers.
  • Utilize motor skills often- coloring, drawing, painting, knitting, making a puzzle.
  • Keep blood sugar balanced.
  • Consume healthy fats.
  • Consider nootropics- brain boosting supplements like L-theanine (found in green tea) or curcumin.

Pillar 6: Maintain Intimacy 

When we think about gut health, we typically think of food and exercising first.

We take a linear approach: if I eat healthy and workout = I will be healthy.

But those are only 2 of the pillars…


One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is failing to address their relationships and the importance of intimacy, connection, and purpose.


1 – There is a direct pathway that connects our brain and emotions to our nervous system.

2 – We are wired to be intimate.


A study was done that showed sex may keep our brains sharp as we age.

Your personal beliefs and connections with others will move you towards optimal health.


How can we boost this area?

  • Identify your purpose.
  • Strike up a conversation with someone new.
  • Inner-child journaling.
  • Deepen a conversation with a loved one.
  • Love makin’
  • Read/pray/meditate with someone.
  • Express gratitude towards a person.
  • Join & participate in a group of like-minded people.
  • Send a hand written note to someone.

How do you deepen intimacy in your relationships?


Pillar 7: Provide Body with Nutritional Support for Immunity 

Our immune system is our defense and protectors.

For optimal gut health, we are always looking to support this body system in fighting off viruses or any other foreign invaders (in foods, water, drugs, products).



  • Support the gut & brain -directly connected to immune function. Did you know 80% of your immune system lies in your gut?
  • Stay hydrated: clean water, soups, herbal teas
  • Reduce toxin exposure
  • Color your plate
  • Get good sleep – restoring and healing time for body


  • Utilize spices: ginger, garlic, onions, oregano, turmeric
  • Ditch the plastic in an effort to reduce toxins
  • Have 3 different colorful foods on your plate
  • Supplement with quality vitamin D and zinc

 Pillar 8: Ensure Healthy Gut Biome 

There are 150x more genes in your gut than your entire body. They interact with all areas of the body to tell it how to function. Think: metabolism, appetite, mood, immunity, brain power.

The term “biome” refers to the #gutbugs living in your intestines. The more diverse these are, the better.


What boosts the gut biome:

  • Eating diverse range of foods (oh hey, pillar 3)
  • Fiber: colorful fruits, vegs, legumes
  • Fermented foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha
  • Probiotic supplement *as recommended

What hurts the gut biome:

  • What hurts the gut biome:
  • Medications, NSAIDS 
  • Antibiotics
  • Processed foods, artificial sugars
  • Stress
  • Conventionally raised meat, dairy


  • Like Pillar 3 – work on creating diversity in the diet. Eating local, seasonally, swapping out foods each week.
  • Ditch the TUMS – try a digestive enzyme instead.
  • Chew thoroughly & don’t eat in stressful environment 
  • Utilize my Gut Loving Foods List to incorporate some prebiotics and probiotics to promote gut health

Where do you stand? Will you agree to focus on these 8 pillars instead of jumping from diet to diet? 

This is how we move the needle forward and begin to #HealThySelf.

Follow me on Instagram @amandarigby.rd for more tips!

Sprouts are an amazing source of #elevatedbiotics – the #goodgutguys that can withstand growth and environmental pressures. Think of what we can do if we eat them 😉#Superhuman. Eating greens this early (as they sprout) decreases the digestion time- allowing you to reap the benefits quicker. They also contain high concentrations of health compounds anywhere…(Read More)

Nutter Butter

Healthy nutter butters - bringing childhood mems baaack strong. Only 5 ingredients! Lasted 2 seconds in this house. Shoutout to @rachaelsgoodeats as always for the best goodies. Sorry guys, still not a recipe maker but I do love to demo and share 😉
Course Dessert
Cuisine Energy Food
Keyword nutter butter


  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • cup almond flour
  • ½ tsp baking powder


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  3. Mix together the peanut butter, maple syrup, and vanilla
  4. Fold in the almond flour and baking powder
  5. Roll dough into ½ tsp size balls and place them side by side in pairs on the baking sheet
  6. Use a fork and press down gently on each ball, then rotate 90 degrees and repeat
  7. Bake cookies for 12-14 minutes
  8. Once they are fully cooled (10-15 minutes), stir together ¼ cup of peanut butter with 1 tbsp of maple syrup
  9. Spread the filling onto the cookies, and press together to make sandwiches

Cinnamon Energy Bombs

Combining all the healthy fats into a delish ball that serves as a good snack or treat when the cravings hit. Thanks @rachaelsgoodeats for the quick & easy recipe!
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Energy Food
Keyword cinnamon energy bombs



  • 6 tbsp melted coconut butter
  • 6 tbsp MCT oil
  • 4 tbsp ghee
  • 4 scoops collagen peptides
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 4 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 ⅓ cup almond flour


  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp coconut sugar optional


  1. Melt coconut butter and ghee, and then pour in a medium sized bowl with MCT and vanilla
  2. Mix thoroughly, then stir in cinnamon, collagen, coconut flour, and almond flour
  3. Place in freezer for about 5 minutes, or until dough slightly hardens
  4. Using a cookie scoop, scoop the dough onto a flat surface and sprinkle with coconut sugar and cinnamon
  5. Store in airtight container in the freezer

Twix Bar


Twix Bar

Loving on these twix bars from @rachaelsgoodeats!
Course Dessert
Keyword Twix Bar


Shortbread Layer

  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ cup almond flour
  • cup coconut oil melted
  • 3 tbsp honey warmed

Caramel Layer

  • ½ cup almond butter
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • pinch of sea salt

Chocolate Layer

  • 1 dark chocolate bar
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • ¼ tsp flakey sea salt


Shortbread Layer

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Combine coconut and almond flour with melted coconut oil and warmed honey in a large bowl
  3. Stir out all crumbles of flour until thoroughly combined
  4. Line 8x8 baking dish with parchment paper and pack down mixture into base
  5. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until it is golden brown
  6. Remove once done and let cool completely

Caramel Layer

  1. Combine almond butter, coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup, and sea salt in a saucepan on the stove on medium-low heat and warm until completely liquified, about 2-3 minutes. Stir occasionally
  2. Remove from burner and let cool completely

Chocolate Layer

  1. Break up the chocolate bar into a small bowl and add coconut oil
  2. Warm in a microwave for 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until completely liquified


  1. Once the shortbread and caramel have completely cooled, pour the caramel sauce over the base layer, spreading it evenly
  2. Set in the freezer until it hardens (anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours)
  3. Remove from freezer and pour the chocolate on top, spreading it evenly
  4. Sprinkle sea salt and set back in fridge for 5-10 minutes to harden
  5. Once chilled, remove from the pan by pulling the sides of the parchment paper. Cut into bars, and enjoy!!

Spice Blend


Spice Blend

Love this blend of savory seasonings to not only boost flavor but an easy way to get our herbs in!


  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley
  • 1 tablespoon dried basil
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons dry mustard mustard powder
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon celery seeds


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a spice grinder or blender. Transfer the blend to a shaker bottle or jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store in a cool, dry place.

Recipe Notes

Recipe from How Not to Die Cookbook
#FoodAsMedicine #HealThySelf

Black Bean Burger


Black Bean Burger I loOove the black bean fritter from @thebeehivecafe and probably pay their rent in my weekly orders. I decided to try to whip up some of my own – they were a hit and were super helpful to have on hand in the mornings for a quick breakfast! Topped mine with an…(Read More)

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie


Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Perfectly designed to include five key ingredients that work together in synergy to pull heavy metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, nickel, copper, and cadmium out of your organs where they accumulate. 1 banana1-2 cups Wild blueberries1 cup orange juice1 tsp. barley grass juice powder1 tsp. spirulina1 small handful of Atlantic…(Read More)

Heavy metal overload is one of the  4 reasons why we get sick, stay sick, and have trouble ridding our body from a state of disease. The three other reasons are:

  • Inflammation/hidden infections
  • Emotional trauma/stress
  • Environmental toxicities (food, water, products)

Knowing this allows to practice root-cause medicine. If we know the root cause, there will be no band aids, guessing, or shots in the dark.

Because many are dealing with multiple of the above at the same time, they will receive different diagnoses. These diagnoses include Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Autoimmune disease, Leaky Gut, IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain fog, Autism, and the like. 

In conclusion, there is no use of just knowing about these diagnoses. This is because it is equally important to know that these are the manifestations of a combination of the four causes mentioned above. 

Once you arm yourself with this information, you will be capable of healing, as a result. Knowing the information means understanding what you’re feeling, dealing with, and fighting against. This helps you know that it is real and has a place of origin. 

To take advantage of this information, you just have to know where to start. And to start things off, let me tell you what heavy metals are. 


What are Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals have high degree of toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury. That is why they rank among the priority heavy metals that are of public health significance. 

They are known to induce multiple organ damage – even at lower levels of exposure. These metals are likewise classified as human carcinogens (known or probable) according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

When it comes to heavy metals, the science is clear and ever-growing. Science connects heavy metal build up to the development of Alzheimer’s, reducing mitochondrial function, interfering with tumor-suppressing pathways, depleting glutathione (our strongest antioxidant), and more.

Metals like lead and mercury are able to cross the blood-brain barrier which can lead to neurotoxicity and mood disorders. Mercury also depletes glutathione, vitamin C, and inhibits B vitamins from being produced.

Where are Heavy Metals found?

Even a healthier individual is exposed to a multitude of metals daily. For instance, below is a list of the everyday items we use where metals are found:

·          Water supply

·          Dental fillings (silver)

·          Food supply

·          Household products

·          Beauty products, lotions, fragrances

·          Air pollution

·          Vaccines

·          Furniture

·          Pharmaceutical Drugs


But, there is some good news: we can fight back. By adding in specific nutrients, herbs, and practices, we are able to decrease the metal load in the body. Knowing what to eat and what to do will also provide nutrients that pull metals from our organs (especially the brain!), and promote the body’s ability to rid itself of these toxins.

The Top Tips To Reducing Heavy Metal Load



1. Optimize detoxification with some #liverlove.

 The liver is burdened with the job of ridding the body from toxins, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides in our food and water, etc. 

Never before has it had as much work to do as our environment provides today. Because it is working double time now, it can become sluggish and backed up. 

Therefore, utilizing specific herbs such as chlorella, spirulina, cilantro, parsley help to bind to metals and move them out of the body. 

Also, eating foods like broccoli, kale, radish, garlic, and onions provide sulfur-containing minerals to aid in enhancing detox pathways.


            2. Optimize gut function.

3. Reduce exposure to allergenic foods (dairy, gluten, corn, eggs, soy).

4. Consuming prebiotic and probiotic foods. 

Download my gut-loving food list for options!

5. Increase antioxidants.

Antioxidants are the good guys. In general, they help defend the cells from harm and can even reverse damage.

We know heavy metals reduce antioxidants in the body. Further, it also creates more free radicals (stressors, cell damagers). Hence, these instances increase the need for additional support. Consequently, this is the reason why we need to increase the antioxidants in our body. 

Studies show those with Alzheimer’s have brain lesions caused by free radicals. Add foods rich in color: dark berries, leafy vegetables, beets, nuts, beans.

6. Sweat.

Utilize saunas, hot yoga, and exercise to move the toxins out of the body.

7. Consider removal of mercury fillings.

**A biological, specifically-trained dentist is needed for this procedure.

     8. Poop!

     Make sure you’re pooping 2x daily to fully eliminate heavy metals from the body. 

     In addition to this, use ground flax seeds to smoothies, eat oatmeal, increase fruits and vegetables, and increase your water intake. 

     Further, you can also consider Magnesium if you’re experiencing constipation.


Whenever possible, I try to incorporate seaweed (binds to metals in gut), wild blueberries (binds to metals in brain), selenium (just 2 Brazil nuts daily!) to really support the removal of metals. I utilize a Heavy Metal Detox smoothie daily to try to get all of the good guys in!

I treat my patients assuming they are loaded with heavy metals. From there, I work to incorporate these practices to promote the removal of heavy metals.

So, if you’re curious, schedule an Ask Amanda session to receive a kit to perform a heavy metal test to assess your load and assess your results.

Love, light, and healing.