Nutrition Group Classes - Let's Do This Together!

I love the group setting! Coaching group classes for the past 6 years is where I found my true passion. The energy and relationships grown in this setting is truly transformational on more levels than one. Be ready to find a new group of friends to travel with on your journey! Plus, getting the RIGHT information into the hands of as many as I can is my goal!
The class is presented in an educational framework, with topics ranging from:

Grab a partner and choose from 6 or 12 week classes. The class is presented in an educational framework, with topics ranging from metabolism, reading labels, hormones, low glycemic eating, body composition, grocery shopping, and more. It is my 7+ years of nutrition education in an easy-to-understand-and-apply format. Classes include a health guide and journal with each week’s resources, weigh in’s and measurements, customized supplementation and access to medical-grade supplement ordering, meal plans and grocery shopping lists, and more.