Posts Currently viewing the tag: "medicine"

Would you believe me if I said you’re only a few days from feeling better? Not feeling tired when you wake up or throughout the day. Not craving and thinking about food all the time. Not feeling achy, congested, a little depressed. Do you find yourself feeling bloated, attacked by allergies, always tired, have…(Read More)

If you follow me on #instagram, you may have seen my latest InstaStory regarding collagen peptides. If you didn’t, you need to get to following me (@amandarigbyRD) because you’re missing out! Anyway… “Colla-what???” was >75% of your responses as seen in my poll where I asked if you had any idea…(Read More)

Today, March 14, is recognized as National RD Day and it’s my first, official one to celebrate! Let’s be honest about the real picture of what it looked like walking out of that exam…because it was not that! #Sweaty #Crying #NotBreathing I remember last year on this day still having the thought…(Read More)

functional medicine podcast, fitness, registered dietitian

On today’s episode, an old high school friend joins me to share his newest creation- Ryan Frost is a Massachusetts Maritime graduate who spent his college years working on big ships, on which he built upon his passion for fitness and athleticism. Having always had a passion to teach, lead, and be…(Read More)

There is no one size fits all approach to health. Diets don’t work and actually do more harm than good in the long run. Diets are known to not only physically affect every organ in the body, but dysregulate hormones regarding hunger and satiety (feeling full). A program like Weight Watchers does not take…(Read More)

Today, I talk with Holistic Health Coach, Hannah Campbell, owner of Whole Food Whole You. Hannah believes in a functional approach to wellness. In her practice, she seeks to uncover and consider the cause of a person’s disease and how it relates to their symptoms and eventually, their treatment plan going forward. Sound familiar…(Read More)

Peanut Butter Banana Bars Is it just me or do bananas ripen in the blink of an eye?? If you feel like you can never get to them in time- don’t fret! There are so many yummy things you can do with ripe bananas and usually with few ingredients! Super ripe bananas are…(Read More)

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