Your pants don’t fit by the end of the day. You are soo uncomfortable after you finish eating. You feel like you’re 6 months pregnant. Intimacy? No way. “Not when I feel like I have a balloon in my belly.” Feelings of discomfort and when you don’t recognize yourself are more than…(Read More)
Acne? Eczema? Annoying rashes? Ugh. Been there. I also had my fair share of journeying from unhealthy skin to healthy skin. What have you tried for them? Did you spend a lot of money on topical things- creams, ointments, maybe even medication? Truth is- we’ve been looking in all the wrong places. Click here…(Read More)
On today’s episode, an old high school friend joins me to share his newest creation- Ryan Frost is a Massachusetts Maritime graduate who spent his college years working on big ships, on which he built upon his passion for fitness and athleticism. Having always had a passion to teach, lead, and be…(Read More)
There is no one size fits all approach to health. Diets don’t work and actually do more harm than good in the long run. Diets are known to not only physically affect every organ in the body, but dysregulate hormones regarding hunger and satiety (feeling full). A program like Weight Watchers does not take…(Read More)
Today, I talk with Holistic Health Coach, Hannah Campbell, owner of Whole Food Whole You. Hannah believes in a functional approach to wellness. In her practice, she seeks to uncover and consider the cause of a person’s disease and how it relates to their symptoms and eventually, their treatment plan going forward. Sound familiar…(Read More)
It feels as if Christmas comes every few weeks when a Thrive Market box is delivered to my doorstep. Not only does it include my tried-and-true favorites, but the company usually throws something new in to try. I highlighted some of my favorites in this past month’s haul on my #Instagram Story…(Read More)