If you follow me on #instagram, you may have seen my latest InstaStory regarding collagen peptides. If you didn’t, you need to get to following me (@amandarigbyRD) because you’re missing out! Anyway… “Colla-what???” was >75% of your responses as seen in my poll where I asked if you had any idea…(Read More)
Earlier this summer the FDA revealed the new nutrition facts label. Finally!! (insert dietitian’s cries of relief) Food labels can be one of the most confusing things to the average person. There are great marketing companies that can add more misunderstanding while someone is trying to find a product that won’t kill them…(Read More)
Is it just me or do bananas ripen in the blink of an eye?? Maybe I need to adjust to this feeding one person lifestyle but I am always looking at 2-3 super ripe bananas on my counter top. This is not a bad thing because there are so many yummy things you can…(Read More)
Back to the Basics I spent my fair share of time dieting, following every “weight loss” trend as they came out, doing cardio for hours a day everyday, and was exhausted. Not only that, but I was doing serious damage to my metabolism. It wasn’t until I began seeking education about nutrition and wellness…(Read More)
Switching up my favorite meal of the day again with a veggie quinoa breakfast bowl. I think I’m starting to be on a bowl kick because it’s super convenient to just throw everything you have into a bowl and feel full and satisfied. I found this on Pintrest under “25 things you can…(Read More)