Lessons to Take with You in 2018
Wowow 2017, you were crazy. So much growth. So much studying. So many tears. So many ideas. So much building. So much fun.
I would most likely chuckle at you if you read my 2017 story to me just a year ago. How did I possible survive a year of unpaid life **slave labor** alone in the South?? Did I really find my passion and calling? I started a Corporation?!?
It’s humbling to be sitting here reflecting on those 3 larger events of the year but I can’t forget some of the conversations I had, the new people I met, and the work being created going forward. My best friends got engaged, my Dad got married, my boss ass mom bought a house. I watched other people make such great, big, cool moves. Seriously life changing, earth shattering progress. The universe is on our side here. I am so grateful.
And I am so excited to open my doors to HealThy Self Nutrition, Inc. and get to work changing lives. I cannot wait to continue growing my relationships with like-minded health professionals to expand our reach to as many people as we can, to truly heal people from the inside out. I am looking forward to growing myself with the help of a personal mentor and business consultant, endless podcasts from people I admire, and from all of the unknown on which I’m about to embark! I plan to continue to build my relationships, come from a place with love, gratitude, and positivity, and touch as many lives as I can with my little hands. Bring it on 2018.
Speaking of this exciting, unknown, new year… Here are the top 5 lessons to take with you into 2018. I know they have served me well.
Ask for things.
I’ve found that people are afraid to ask for things they believe to be too far from their reach, too expensive, too outside the norm. Ask yourself- who put those limits on your beliefs? Who told you you couldn’t? Is it you? When we feel stagnant, stuck, or alone, a change needs to be made somewhere. We have to move. Write the things you want down, share them with those close to you, ask for help if you’re no good at something, ask the universe for all your deep desires. Ask and you shall receive.
No one is going to do it for you.
Woooweee do I see this all too much. Don’t spend your time waiting on someone else’s schedule or decision. If you want something, you have to go get it yourself.
Saying “no” is healthy.
Ironic, isn’t it? As my last year’s New Years blog was about saying “yes” to life as it lead me to places I would never go. Now I believe saying “no” is just as healthy when you see it fit. Perhaps signing up or agreeing to too many things brings about unnecessary stress and last minute decision-making. Perhaps we have to say no to something that may take us off the track we’re working on. You get to be the judge here and at times, you are allowed to politely decline.
Let go of fear of failing.
It is inevitable and one of the biggest markers in our growth as we move forward. Don’t avoid trying something because you fear it not working. Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Show up.
When you say you’re going to go, go. When you don’t feel like going but you know you should, go. When someone invites you to a new place with new people (a.k.a new possibilities), go. (I should note this is in regards to commitments, meetings, conference calls, nighttime webinars, events for friends- things that may be able to be pushed aside with an excuse. But if you’ve conquered your day/week, all bets are off. Pajama time at 6:30pm is perfectly acceptable)
May all your goals come to life. Make it happen.
In health,
xo Amanda