Heart Week
I was reading a post from one of my favorite humans, Jamie Tworkowski, where he had mentioned a book he was reading during what he hashtagged as “heart week”. It couldn’t have come at a better time seeing as I had been feeling more overwhelmed in recent days as big decisions and actions are taking place. I decided to take the idea of this week and make it my own and now hope to bring people along with me.
Heart Week is just what it sounds like-a week focused around your heart, doing things that make your heart feel nothing but happy. I am excited to reconnect with people I don’t get to spend as much time with as life allows, read books that don’t hurt my brain or revolve around biochemistry, spend time in the kitchen, and take a step back in an attempt to rebalance my heart and mind.
I think this process is crucial yet more overlooked than it should be. Today, we are busier than ever, putting off and neglecting things that are best for us. Some of us sacrifice ourselves at the expense of another person, a job, our kids, etc. It is easy to lose ourselves in the bustle of everyday life. Being mindful and aware of what makes us happy, of our needs and desires is important in our overall health and wellbeing. We cannot do much if our mind is not taken care of. Don’t wait until you learn the harder way.
My essentials for heart week:
1. Exercise– in any and all forms, not to be dreaded or uncomfortable.
2. Whole, delicious food- nutrient rich and perhaps different than what you’re used to. Experiment in the kitchen with ingredients you’ve never used or try to put a healthy twist on your favorite, most indulgent dish. Don’t restrict yourself from foods you love. Moderation is key.
3. Reading for pleasure – books focused on self awareness, personal goals, and action plans. Some of my recommendations would be:
The Secret- Rhonda Byrne
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior– Dan Millman
The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho
If You Feel Too Much –Jamie Tworkowski (see my last post)
Purpose Driven Life– Rick Warren
The Inner Voice of Love– Henri Nouwen (not my recommendation, I will be starting this one this week- keep ya posted)
Eat Yourself Calm – Gill Paul (complete with great recipes and heart-healthy ingredients)
All can be found here.
4. Massage/nail appointments- get in touch with some of your girlfriends and make it happen! Wine is encouraged.
5. Hike/walks- take as much or as little time as you can fit into your schedule and get outside! Enjoy your surroundings and take in some vitamin D. Nothing is more refreshing than fresh air.
6. Give your alarm clock a vacation – Being an extremely scheduled, type A person, alarms tend to run my life. I look forward to the day that they become obsolete to my life. For now, let’s try to shoot for at least one day waking up when your body wants to. Let the people living with you know your plan. Go to bed earlier and enjoy some beauty sleep. Also, if you still have a blaring sound that gets you out of bed in the morning, why??? There are many more peaceful sounds 🙂
7. Do Not Disturb button- the iPhone offers a great button that you can easily turn on and off in an attempt to step away from this little piece of technology that keeps us so involved with everyone else but ourselves. Try it.
8. Good company- you owe it to yourself to separate yourself from anyone that does not add value to your life. Negative vibes are not allowed during Heart Week.
Start when you need to. There will never be a “good time” to start anything. Take care of yourself first and the rest will fall into place. You’re worth it.
Love and light,